BGL Solutions


 2023  March

Sneaky Autumn deep Verticut

As a general rule of thumb, the more aggressive the lawn variety the more frequent it will require vertimowing.

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 2023  February

New business headquarters

The new business headquarters are coming along nicely. Our complete landscaping services include ongoing landscaping maintenance and lawn care services.

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 2023  February

Greens reconstruction program

Thanks to Mount Lawley Golf Club Superintendent Rod Tatt for sending the latest pics of his greens reconstruction program in conjunction with OCM Golf.

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 2023  January

Solid Tine Aeration

The solid tine aeration is the most common aeration proceess found in sports surface maintenance where compaction is present but tatch layers are not an issue.

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 2022  December

Comercial irrigation work

Sprinkler Audit and the replacement of an Irrigation cable.

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 2022  December

When you are almost done

Double pass Verticut done.
Aeration Done.
Low mow done.
We just got 200 m3 of sand to go.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services.

0488 749 333