BGL Solutions


 2021  August

You gotta love Fridays

New Vertidrain 2519 has arrived on the yard this Friday just in time for the renovations season.

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 2021  August

Slashing season is here

Give us a call 488749333 or send us a P'm for your free obligation quote. Competitive prices to suit your needs and budget.

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 2021  August

Around in circles we go

Final steps in preparation for turf installation at the Nyabing Primary school.

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 2021  August

Is it spring already?

Verti drain is ready for a busy Areation season ahead.

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 2021  June

Boxwood Hills Sporting Club

Turf installation at Boxwood Hill Sporting Complex Club

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 2021  June

Areation, Mow & Vacuuming

During this season, there are a few turf care tasks that you need to perform in order for your turf to look great come summertime.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services.

0488 749 333